ETS最新宣布,2019年8月1日起将采用托福拼分(MyBest score),简单说来就是将过去两年几次托福成绩中最优的听说读写成绩组合在一起。那么托福拼分是否有效呢?新东方网托福频道在此和大家分享有关托福拼分的常见问题解答:
Yes. MyBest scores are valid indicators of performance as they are drawn from all valid test scores within a 2-year period.
External studies have shown that superscores have similar score validity to other commonly used scoring methods, such as use of the most recent test scores or use of the average scores across all retests.
ETS researchers conducted a study that compared TOEFL iBT test takers’ MyBest scores and their most recent scores, using all test takers who repeated the test within a recent 2-year window. Study results indicated that typically there is only a small difference in total scores between the most recent testing and the MyBest scores.