在练习托福写作的过程中,随着对英文写作本质的不断认识,同学们会逐渐认识并重视例证以及细节对一篇好的托福独立写作的重要性,但很多同学在编辑例证的时候会缺乏思路,最主要的原因是大家对于很多常识性的知识还是缺乏了解,正如ETS所强调的,托福考试是一个对于非英语母语国家的语言测试,会尽量避免因为文化差异而存在的不公平,可这并不能作为学生们写出恶俗的例子和写作素材匮乏的借口。其实托福写作素材的积累也并不难,只是大家可能在备考托福的过程中没有太多时间和精力,因此敏敏老师将定期总结一些时事新闻,并且将这些素材应用到具体的托福写作论证段落中,让大家有机会接触并积累一些当下热门、新鲜的论证素材! (素材来源于一些很好的网站,如大家耳熟能详的 NBC news,经济学人,NPR news 等等)
上面的截图就是来自于NBC news (http://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/45-years-earth-day-how-environmentalism-has-evolved-n343886) 的一篇新闻报导。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the environmental problem is too complex and cannot be handled by individuals. 是否认同:现在我们面临的环境问题太复杂,并不是个人力量所能掌控的。
【Writting Sample】
To begin with, the ordinary can play a role in precipitating the improvement of environmental quality.(论点) By participating in the environmental campaigns, the perilous environmental deterioration will experience an enormous modification owing to the constantly strengthened consciousness of preserving the environment for the common citizens who are willing to transform their conventional behaviors.(解释论点) The campaign happening on April 22 in 1970 can fully demonstrate the irreplaceable function of citizens in the process of environmental conservation.(印出例子) In that day, millions of people took to streets for 60s-style demonstrations and marches, attempting to call attention to hazardous pollution of America’s land, air and water, and ten thousand of campaigners flocked to the Washington Monument for a folk music concert. And the campaign that triggered the formation of Earth Day, in a long run, turns out to create huge impacts. For instance, the aggregation of emissions of six major air pollutants has dropped more than 60 percent since 1908. Apart from that, only about a third of American water was safe for swimming and fishing before the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, but today, that proportion has risen to about two-thirds. (描述具体例子细节)Accordingly, it is no difficult to explore the importance of ordinary people’s involvement in environmental protection.(得出结论)
从事托福考试培训多年,教授课程涵盖基础、强化、冲分段,具有丰富的教学经验,教学风格自成一家,其教授的学生从初中到大学研究生包括各个层次的学生,各个年龄段的学生,能够非常准确的把握学生们的问题所在,并帮助学生们去逐一解决对应的问题。 善于营造一个轻松和谐的学习氛围,在课堂上以幽默风趣却又专业性权威性极强的形象打动每一位学生,提高学生们的学习热情,激起学生们的学习欲望。课后也能够非常负责的给每一位学生提供帮助,和学生们做到亦师亦友,从业多年中,一直深受学生爱戴追捧。
微信号: dreampursuing
班级名称 | 上课时间 | 上课地点 | 班号 | 一键报名 |
TOEFL本科直通车冲分班(托福住宿班) |
2015/05/10 至 2015/06/05 |
新东方住宿部——新东方学校妙峰书苑住宿部 |
02ZTF15205OC |
立即报名 |